ARTe VallARTa Museo

Become a part of the NEW ART VallARTa Museo Artists Registry Project today!

This artists registry is a public, not for profit, community project to document all the artists that have contributed to making the Banderas Bay such a creative and beautiful area of Mexico.

The Registry grows with all the information you can share about the artist you are or the artist you have known in the Puerto Vallarta area. We are building a kind of Wikipedia of artists that have lived, worked, created art in our area since the earliest days. From Ancient to Modern day. Even if an artist’s just visited to paint one painting or play one song they can be a part of this historical archive of artists. This information is to be shared with the public so they can fill in historical context and share the rich cultural resources where we live.
It’s very easy to participate!

ARTISTS – share your story. Upload examples of your work and give us information about your experience as a creator in our community.

ART LOVER – If you are looking for an artist, do a search and if you have any information to contribute, like a photo or details about their life help us build their story to share. Add a new artist if they are not in our database and we will help with the research about them.

LOCAL RESIDENTS OF THE BANDERAS BAY – Your help is particularly important! You might know some of the earliest history and living history of Puerto Vallarta to really help the Museum with its mission to preserve artistic history of Puerto Vallarta. You are the experts!

TOURIST – Share artists, travel photos and experiences of your time or a family member’s time in Puerto Vallarta. Your individual or family history of visiting this lovely area contributed heavily to the growth of art in our area. Great place to share early travel information that is easily lost from the past.

ART GALLERY OWNERS, ART EDUCATORS and PERFORMANCE SPACES – You live the art everyday. Please help us make this database a resource you would like to use to document artistic endevors and your activities that have built the Art Community that we now are. We would love to hear about past exhibition and artist you have exhibited, included and believe they should be enjoyed and remembered. Please make sure your project, institution is part of our Registry

VOLUNTEERS!!!! – If you or your group would like to help with research and collecting data we need you! Please email [email protected] and we will get right back to you with opportunities for you to be part of this and if you like other ART VallARTa MUSEO Volunteer opportunities.

Joel Maldonado Matus

Desde muy temprana descubrí el amor por el dibujo, así que fui buscando lugares y personas que me ayudarán a mejorar, así fue como conocí al Maestro Alejo Jacobo Rodriguez quien fue el que me guío por este camino de la plástica.

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Cassidy Walker

I see life as a photograph! Everywhere I go, I can see it in a photo. Surreal/fantasy photography lets me express a whole different world in a creative way, allowing myself to have no boundaries in this creative platform.

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Carolan Lassiter

Carolan Lassiter is a Mosaic, Glass and Mixed Media Artist and Art teacher. A transplanted Canadian, she currently lives in Puerto Vallarta. Carolans directive for her artwork is to use items that would otherwise be landfill bound to create unique pieces of art.

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