ARTe VallARTa Museo

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Event Series Oil Painting Class

Oil Painting Class

ART VallARTa ART Center Calle Pilitas 213, Puerto Vallarta, JAL, Mexico

We will learn about oil, its main characteristics and ways of use, the student will level up at their own pace and with the teacher's support. We will add mixed […]

Event Series Introduction to Drawing

Introduction to Drawing

ART VallARTa ART Center Calle Pilitas 213, Puerto Vallarta, JAL, Mexico

The drawing classes is designed with the beginner in mind and take you step by step to develop your skills with personalized attention. We will do exercises to observe motor […]

Event Series Conversational Spanish

Conversational Spanish

ART VallARTa ART Center Calle Pilitas 213, Puerto Vallarta, JAL, Mexico

We encourage students to have basic and complex conversations using already known words, and by introducing words as we move further along the course. Don’t be hesitant to learn how […]