ARTe VallARTa Museo

Mismaloya Painting by Ramón Barragán

Acquisition Number: 2022.46
Acquisition Date: 02/11/2022
Shape: Rectangular.
Country of Origin: México.
State of Origin: Jalisco.
Village of Origin: Puerto Vallarta.
Artist: Ramón Barragán Villaseñor.
When Made: 1963
Material: Oil on canvas,
Colors: Green, blue, brown, white.
Number of Pieces: 1
Lidded: Framed.
Height of Complete Piece: 78 cm
Length: 92 cm
Width: 5 cm
Technic: Oil on canvas.
Style: Stylized realism.
Who was the piece acquisitioned by: Frank L. and Gail Rudin.
Loaned by: Frank L. and Gail Rudin.
Where is piece stored: ARTe VallARTa Museo.
On exhibition: Yes.