ARTe VallARTa Museo

Known for his work on Pinocchio (1940), Fantasia (1940) and Song of the South (1946). A colorful personality, whose emotional extremes can be grasped through his nephew, Mike Baldwin, recounting how his uncle resigned from Disney with a fiery march into Walt Disney’s office, followed by Starr smashing and backyard-burying all his Disney animation celluloid and other artwork. This contrasts strongly with the graceful, smooth, peaceful lines of his brushwork and the soft, inky, pastel-like glow of his watercolors.

Edgar Starr

Location of Birth: California
Nationality: USA
Mediums: Painting
Type of Artist in the Banderas Bay Area: Visiting Artist
The artist lived and created art in the Bajia de Banderas area: Yes
Education: Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and the Chouinard School of Art